Walking Tracks

Because of the topography of Churton Park there are areas between streets where the Developer and City Council have established walking tracks. CPCA and the Churton Park Community Walkers have been encouraging more tracks to be built in our suburb. More tracks will become available as land is vested as reserve. When these have been completed and taken over by WCC, details will be added to this page.

The main tracks are as follows:

Melksham Drive to Foxham Tce through Callender Reserve

This track commences at the intersection of Melksham Drive and Mauldeth Terrace and zig zags up the face then runs along the ridgeline including a section of bush to exit at Foxham Tce. Plantings adjacent to the track are now growing well. CPCA arranged the installation of two seats on this track.

A picture of the track from the other side of the valley is shown below

Melksham Drive to Amesbury Drive through Callender Reserve 

This track commences near to the bus terminus and also zig zags up the hill face. The grade is not as steep as the more southern track. Once again two seats have been provided by CPCA. Extensive planting has also been carried out adjacent to the track. A picture of the track from Melksham Drive is shown below.

Stebbings Dam Recreation Area to Rochdale Drive

This track follows the stream from upstream of the dam, to Rochdale Drive. Two bridges have been provided by the developer to replace the remains of the original vehicle bridges when Stebbings Road was the only access to the valley. The original bridges were removed as they were a safety hazard. It provides a very convenient short cut from Westchester Drive to Rochdale Drive and beyond.  The land has now been taken over by WCC, and has been named Ruru Valley Reserve. Improvements to the track to bring it up to standard have been made. Note that because the track is in the ponding area behind the dam it may be very wet during and following a major rainfall event.

WCC are planning to carry out extensive planting in this section of the valley in the winter of 2023.

The images below show the commencement of the track behind the dam, passing through the group of trees, the second bridge and the access to Rochdale Drive.

Rochdale Drive north to Melksham Drive

This track continues up the valley through Korimako Reserve, but on the west side of the stream from the previous track. At the north end there is a connection up to Melksham Drive. In due course the track will be extended further north.

The recent opening of the Korimako Reserve play area also opened the short bridge and steep zigzag track up to Rochdale Drive adjacent to the play area.

The completion of this connection gives a loop from Stebbings dam, up the valley to cross Rochdale Drive, then continue up the valley to Melksham Drive. From there cross Melksham Drive and follow the track up to Amesbury Drive. Head south on Amesbury Drive to Foxham Tce and go downhill through Callender Reserve again back to Melksham Drive.

Updated 10 August 2024

                         Commencement of track at Rochdale Drive

Melksham Drive to Rochdale Drive at playground.

With the opening in August 2024 of the Korimako Reserve playground in upper Rochdale Drive, WCC have also opened the cross valley link track, including a bridge across the stream. The zigzag path up to the east is not yet metalled and could be slippery in wet weather. Because this track is actually a commuter route CPCA will be continuing to advocate that this track is bought up to commuter track standard by being fully paved.

The images below show the zigzag track up to the playground and the bridge across the stream.

Posted 15 August 2024

Erlestoke Cres to Chippenham Grove

This track was opened in March 2023. It commences adjacent to No 60 Erlestoke Cres, and zigzags up the hillside towards the ridgeline. A short sidetrack leads to the survey station which gives a great view of Churton Park and beyond. From there the track follows the existing well formed pylon track along to the cellphone tower. A newly constructed section which includes several flights of timber steps descends to Chippenham Grove below. Near the bottom there is a bridge with a waterfall upstream. Both of the new sections have been built with numerous zigzags to give an easily walkable grade. Although the track is on open hillside, WCC have carried out extensive planting so in the future it will be me a great bush walk.

The images below show the track end at Chippenham Grove and the view from the survey station above Erlestoke.

Lakewood Reserve tracks.

Lakewood Reserve is the "Green Heart of Churton Park". The Churton Park Revegetation Group have been carrying out clearing of invasive plants, and planting of native trees since 2013, which has created a very pleasant local environment.

The main north to south track commences on Westchester Drive opposite Amesbury Drive to exit onto Halswater Drive. Side tracks connect to Ellwood Place, the tennis court parking area and to Westchester Drive at the petanque area opposite Waverton Terrace.

The image below shows an autumn view of the group of swamp cypress trees at the north end of the reserve.

Loop route incorporating the six tracks detailed above

The completion of the Erlestoke to Chippenham Grove track allows a good route on tracks and streets to circumnavigate the north west corner of Churton Park. This is a route that can be followed:

Commence at the Churton Park village and follow the Stebbings Dam to Rochdale Drive track, cross Rochdale Drive and continue north. Cross Melksham Drive and follow the track up to Amesbury Drive.  Head south on Amesbury Drive to Foxham Tce and go downhill through Callender Reserve again, back to Melksham Drive. Turn right and follow Mauldeth Tce to Amesbury Drive. Downhill to Erlestoke Cres up to the commencement of the track to Chippenham Grove. From there follow Waverton to cross Westchester and directly down into Lakewood Reserve. Follow the main track north through the reserve, which exits in Westchester not far from the commencement point.

This loop walk takes about two hours and covers a distance of about 8km.

Gifford Grove Track to Danny Te Hiko seat

This short track starts from the access road to the water reservoir at the end of Gifford Grove. The seat on the high knob was installed in memory of Rev Danny Te Hiko. It provides a grand view over Churton Park. The images below show the start of the short track, the sign on the seat and the view towards Amesbury School.

Takarau Park track from Prestbury Grove to Ohariu Road

This track is at the very south end of Churton Park. It provides a very convenient link from Winsley Terrace to Ohariu Road and Johnsonville. It was constructed immediately after the 2020 lock-down through a patch of bush.

Stebbings Dam North side

This track commences at the gate to Westchester Drive adjacent to the new townhouses. The route is across the dam crest then ziz zags down the side of the valley to the stream. The stream can be crossed on stepping stones at low water flow rates, then exiting through the revegetated area to connect to Stebbings Road.

Wingfield Reserve Middleton Road

This track is a pleasant alternative walking route parallel to Middleton Road. It runs from the north end of the reserve and exits near to the bus shelter on Middleton Road. The track, which includes a bridge over the stream, was constructed by the Churton Park Revegetation Group when this reserve was a focus of the Group's revegetation activity. Now the track passes alongside and through areas of native trees, a huge contrast to the previous dense blackberry jungle. Note that some clearing and replanting has recommenced at the north end of the site.