About CPCA

About CPCA!

Churton Park was established in the 1970s and now has a population of over 7,000 - a figure that is predicted to rise to over 20,000 in the next 20 years.

The Churton Park Community Association (CPCA), founded in 1977, works with the community to understand their needs and to ensure that planners and developers are aware of them in their planning decisions.

To achieve this, we work with local and central government, and with our local community through the Community Centre, schools and local businesses.

We are concerned about public transport, road safety, emergency preparedness, and environmental issues.

We plant and tend native vegetation in our reserves and have provided seats, walking paths, a drinking fountain and hand driers for community use.

We organise events to develop neighbourliness and a better understanding of the cultures represented in our community. Events have included children’s Christmas parties and community carols; multicultural and village fairs.

All residents are invited contribute ideas and to participate. secretary@churtonpark.org.nz

See also the Churton Park Community Association on Facebook
